The mug shot taken after Pip attacked Elliot. Notice the fur in the mouth, the smug look, the look that says, "I am NOT sorry". All because Elliot wanted to snuggle too.
Yes, Pip, it might be a bit chilly (if you can call 72 degrees chilly) but I am not turning on the heat! That's what blankets are for (and socks and sweaters...)!
Here's Ellie stalking her prey and just as she goes to swipe it, Pip comes charging towards her, barking like Ellie's doing something wrong. No Pip, that was you. That was you.
Since Pip's head is so small, it;s difficult to place things on it and take a picture of it without it falling off. So, here I give you Pip with a rat on her back. And Pip is giving me a look like "must I do this?" Yes, Pip you must!